Botanical Elodie

Botanical Elodie, also known as just be., is an eco-conscious skincare brand that harnesses the potency of active botanicals to provide holistic skincare solutions. In their journey of rebranding an existing business, our primary focus was to capture the essence of their new upscale branding and packaging. Our goal was to design a website that embodies the brand's values of luxury, earthiness, and organic essence. Employing a minimalist design approach, we aimed to reflect the brand's commitment to simplicity and purity while delivering a premium user experience. Our objective was to create an aesthetically captivating and user-friendly website that resonates with the brand's audience and effectively showcases their range of organic skincare products.

Botanical Elodie
January 21, 2023
Shopify Web & Brand Identity Design & Store Setup
Botanical Elodie


The project challenge was to design a simple and user-friendly website that has an earthy and luxurious feel, while prioritizing conversions on the homepage. Smart sections were utilized to help users find the skincare products that best suit their needs. In addition, we were tasked with creating a custom template for the product page that functions as a landing page. The aim was to provide users with comprehensive product details and answer any potential questions they may have without overwhelming them with excessive information.

The main project goals:

  • Design a simple and user-friendly website with an earthy and luxurious feel, prioritizing conversions on the homepage
  • Create custom product page templates that function as landing pages, providing comprehensive product details without overwhelming the user
  • Implement product page tabs and expandable sections for organized and accessible information
  • Integrate blog pages to offer additional resources and boost SEO
  • Implement a skincare quiz app for personalized user experiences
  • Develop home page filters for skin type to facilitate easy product discovery
  • Integrate reviews to enhance credibility and social proof
  • Create a community page for affiliate sign-ups and influencer partnerships

Botanical Elodie

Project Results

The completed project resulted in a visually appealing, user-friendly website that effectively promotes skincare products. The integration of a skincare quiz, home page filters, blog pages, and product page tabs ensures a comprehensive and personalized user experience. With an optimized homepage and strategic design elements, the website encourages conversions and offers valuable resources to customers.

Project summary:

  • Achieved a visually appealing and user-friendly website that effectively promotes skincare products
  • Successfully integrated a skincare quiz app, home page filters, and blog pages to create a comprehensive skincare hub
  • Developed a custom template for product pages that offers in-depth information and answers common questions
  • Optimized the homepage for conversions, utilizing strategic calls-to-action and a luxurious design
  • Incorporated royalty-free images that reinforce the brand's messaging
  • Created a seamless user experience with smart sections and intuitive navigation
  • Enhanced personalization through the skincare quiz and tailored product recommendations
  • Established a community space for affiliates and influencers, fostering brand loyalty and partnership opportunities

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