Ciao Chili

Ciao Chili, a consumer packaged goods business, sought a sleek and user-friendly website that effectively communicated their unique story. The primary focus was to create a compelling homepage that not only showcased their flagship product but also optimized the conversion process directly on the homepage. By seamlessly integrating strategic apps, we enhanced the product presentation and bolstered average order value (AOV) and customer lifetime value (CLV). Read on to discover the remarkable outcomes achieved through this project!

Ciao Chili
February 15, 2023
Shopify Web Design & Store Setup
Ciao Chili


Matt, Founder & Chef at Ciao Chili needed help with setting up both the front and backend of his store. The project required implementation of a simple subscription model for the main product, Calabrian Vinaigrette. We wanted to ensure to provide a solution that was both elegant, and cost effective. Here is the brief summary:

  • Develop a clean and minimalist Shopify website with high conversion potential on the homepage
  • Implement an intuitive, scalable, and cost-effective subscription model for the main product, Calabrian Vinaigrette
  • Create custom templates for the product page to enhance the overall user experience
  • Optimize the website for local SEO to attract targeted local customers

Ciao Chili

Project Results

We were able to create a simple, easy to use, minimalist site that highlights the main product - Calabrian Vinaigrette - while telling the story behind chef Matt's brand in a compelling way using expert copy & storytelling techniques.

  • Successfully implemented a scalable and free subscription solution, boosting customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Integrated different subscription levels and shipping discounts to drive higher average order value (AOV)
  • Designed a visually appealing and minimalist website using a free Shopify theme to optimize costs
  • Incorporated the Tolstoy app to present the product through user-generated content (UGC) in a captivating storytelling format
  • Leveraged Shopify's Online Store 2.0 editor to create customized templates for engaging product pages
  • Crafted effective and clean web copy targeting local SEO optimization techniques, aligning with Ciao Chili's local customer base

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